Friday, December 26, 2008
Im on break
I have been home for about a week. Christmas has come and gone, to me it did not feel like Christmas. Not sure why but I should just be thankful I have a house over my head and food in my tummy. I am home until Jan. 25th, the school decided to give an extra week of break but keep classes and extra week. I don't understand that when they say they want to conserve energy. I am going to be working for the most part after New Years. I got my grades and I am happy with them I have a 3.25 GPA, not bad for my first semester. I feel I could have done a little better in one of my classes but I am just happy that I passed. My next semester is going to be pretty busy I am taking 19 credits, one more class then I had last semseter but my classes are more complex and two of them have a lab. It should be a good learning experience.
Monday, December 8, 2008
It's beeb awhile
I won't metion how my Thanksgiving went. It was an experience, I will give a short story..I went home with Rob to Maryland and met his mom and most of his family. I didnt feel as welcome as I thought I would be. It was a beautiful house and the weather was great. Thanksgiving day was good. There was a little girl their that call me her "new friend" and she went everywhere I went. She was so cute, She like walking around with me. So I was glad to get back to school.
This is the last offical week of classes and all I have to say is "oh boy!" I have many things to do, a few projects and then to study for finals. It should be interesting, I will be glad when they are all over. I will be heading home on Wednesday 17th. I will be home until January 25th. It is a long break, but I will enjoy being home..but I will be away from Rob :( He plans on coming to see me over New Years. Which will be great if that works out.
This is the last offical week of classes and all I have to say is "oh boy!" I have many things to do, a few projects and then to study for finals. It should be interesting, I will be glad when they are all over. I will be heading home on Wednesday 17th. I will be home until January 25th. It is a long break, but I will enjoy being home..but I will be away from Rob :( He plans on coming to see me over New Years. Which will be great if that works out.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This month has flown by. I have been so busy with homework and just being social. I have started to realize who my friends are and its a change that I think I need to make. I have more friends here at school now. We all have each others backs and they are all so sweet. I scheduled my classes for next semester. I could not get into the eaiser Biology so I am talking a higher leverl one. Another class that I NEED to take for my major only offers to take it online. The professor has one class and it was online is my only option. I am taking 19 credits next semster so I will have less time on my hands which is good and bad at the sametime. Things with my guy are good, I am actually going to his house for Thanksgiving so I won't be home. We have a six hour drive on Tuesday it should be interesting.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I guess I should update...
Last weekend I went home for Halloween, I took Rob with me and he met my Mom and Dad. They liked him, I enjoyed being home for Halloween because I like seeing all of the cute children in their costumes. I also like getting my apple cider and donut fix, the fire department comes around the village and hands out cider and donuts every year so I didnt miss this year. I had a but weekend, we went shopping with my mom and my great aunt. That took all day, but I did get boots, which I am going to need when it snows again. Sat night I saw Brina and Stephen and we all went to dinner and then bowling. Now she wont talk to me for a dumb reason. It was not bad hanging out with my brother, in small amounts I can deal with him. :) Sunday we went to church...I was so happy that Rob actually wannted to go. He said he enjoyed going and he met some people. Thanks to anyone who came up and said hello. I have been having "baby withdrawl" because the Scoharie Ward only has like 3 babies. So going home I was able to hold a baby again. I know its weird.
Classes are going well, Not failing anything. I am making my schedule for next semester and I am going a diffrent path..dont worry I am staying within Early Childhood. I meet with my advisor tomorrow to talk to her about it. I went through all 4 of my RA workshops and now i just wait to see if I get selected. Their are 74 applicants and 13 postions so my odds are 1:6. Not very hopeful, but just becasue I dont get chosen for the Spring does not mean I wont get chosen for the Fall 09 semester. I will see what happens.
Last weekend I went home for Halloween, I took Rob with me and he met my Mom and Dad. They liked him, I enjoyed being home for Halloween because I like seeing all of the cute children in their costumes. I also like getting my apple cider and donut fix, the fire department comes around the village and hands out cider and donuts every year so I didnt miss this year. I had a but weekend, we went shopping with my mom and my great aunt. That took all day, but I did get boots, which I am going to need when it snows again. Sat night I saw Brina and Stephen and we all went to dinner and then bowling. Now she wont talk to me for a dumb reason. It was not bad hanging out with my brother, in small amounts I can deal with him. :) Sunday we went to church...I was so happy that Rob actually wannted to go. He said he enjoyed going and he met some people. Thanks to anyone who came up and said hello. I have been having "baby withdrawl" because the Scoharie Ward only has like 3 babies. So going home I was able to hold a baby again. I know its weird.
Classes are going well, Not failing anything. I am making my schedule for next semester and I am going a diffrent path..dont worry I am staying within Early Childhood. I meet with my advisor tomorrow to talk to her about it. I went through all 4 of my RA workshops and now i just wait to see if I get selected. Their are 74 applicants and 13 postions so my odds are 1:6. Not very hopeful, but just becasue I dont get chosen for the Spring does not mean I wont get chosen for the Fall 09 semester. I will see what happens.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
All of my classes today were cancelled today. I was so happy, except for the part were I had walked all the way to one of my classes in this horrible weather. To find out that she has cancelled it. I had already know that my english class was cancelled because she had told us last week that we would have no class. Anyway I am not feeling very well, yesterday my stomach hurt and my back and then this morning I woke up and I had a pounding headache i got up at 11 and took a shower. I felt a little better but not 100% but I had a student government meeting to go to so I did. Now I want to take a nap but I dont want to sleep the rest of the day away. So I am going to try and find something to do.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I woke up this morning and it was cold! I think it was like 28 degrees outside. Walking to class my hands felt like they were going to fall off. I can't wait until we get snow and I will have to leave 30 mins before my class starts to get there on time. This week seems like it dragged on. I love how it is finally Friday! I don't have major plans this weekend, going to catch up on homework and sleep! Last night I went on a walk with my friend and we went out to an open feild and you could see so many stars. So we both looked up at the sametime a saw a shooting star!!! it was amazing :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall is so pretty!!

Today was such a beatuiful day so Rob and I decided to take a walk around Cobleskill. Our goal was to go to Walmart but we did not quite make it there. I got hungery so we stopped at McDolnalds and I got some food. We had already been gone an hour so we decided to head back to campus. We walked and ended up ontop of a really big hill. The colors of the tree were amazing.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Things are looking...
I have been so happy the last week. I finally met that guy in person and he is so sweet. We have been hanging out with each other, It has been so much fun!! I don't know how to explain how I feel. He makes me laugh and we have a great time together. My classes have been going great, they are really easy. I have a few midterms and some projects but I am working on them slowly. Any who I am not going home for a few weeks. I need to spend time at school on the weekends, so I am. I have been so busy this past week. I have had meeting and today I had a Freshemen Open House and I am an Ambassadoor and we are the ones who takes them on a tour of the campus. It was fun but tireing, I have a concert tonight we are playing 10 songs and they are 2 or more pages long. It should be fun! SO yeah things r looking up!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
He got my number..
I am home for fall break and my friend at school wanted to give this guy my she did and I have been talking to him since Thursday. I think it is ironic that in the matter of two weeks I have been set up with two guys. Its never happened before, I like how new and exciting it is. So this guy is super sweet and we have talked everyday for an hour or more at one time. Friday night we talked for 7hrs stright. We didn't run out of things to say and we just kept talking and talking. I really enjoy talking to him and I can't wait to go back to school and meet him in person. So a word of advice, if your friend says she has someone that wants to meet you, take the chance and see what happens. :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Weekends can be so exciting
Things are finally looking up. I went to the doctors on Friday because I was in a lot of pain and could not breathe. They told me that the muscles between my ribs are inflamed. I was put on an anti-inflammatory so I'm not in that much pain anymore. Last Tuesday I was surprised when one of my close friends set me up with one of her friends. He took me on a date last night to the 99 in Rotterdam Square Mall. I had a lot of fun, We had dinner and walked around. My friends kind of followed me to the mall which I did not like. Oh and if you have not guessed I am/was home for the weekend. This has been one of the best weekends since I went off to college.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Better? I Don't Know
Things I guess are better in a way. I still feel like I don't belong here, I have made some acquaintances but no real connections yet. I went home this past weekend to see my friends and it seems like their worlds are just standing in place. I am happy I just have no one to talk to during the day. Maybe the few people I see in class and the ones online but that's about it. I still love my classes and I am in Student Government, I am trying to stay active so I don't have time to sit here and wonder when will I have someone to hang out with everyday. Their is one girl here that I love hanging out with but she is always busy. So that leaves me to find something to do with my time. I do homework, watch TV and go on the computer. That's what my day consits of. I sometimes have a meeting I need to go to and of course class. I just wish I could be happy all the time like I use to be. Maybe that will happen someday.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I dont know what to do
I am sitting here in my room. No one has bothered to knock on my door to ask me hey want to go to dinner or what are you up to? I don't think that I should have to out myself out there just to be shot down. I can't stand it! Today for the first time in awhile I actually ate lunch with another human bean. I could not remember for the life of me when I last did that. If I told you I have having an awsome time here at college I would have to say as of now no I am not having fun. I like my classes they are super fun but other then that I have nothing else to look forward to during the day I go to class, come back to my room and sit on the computer. I would love to go out and make friends but thats not who I am. I am shy and I don't want to be shot down when I put myslef out there. I am afraid of oh what if they don't like me? I really don't know what to do and I would love to go back home.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Better Friends not Roommates
Everything was going well...Well no it was not. I am moving out of my current room on Monday. Me and my roommate do not get along living together. We have totally different personalities, morals and everything else. We are better being friends if that is possible. She is not a bad person she is very nice but we just don't click. So I have been under the stress of should I move out or should I stay and things were not getting better so I put the ball in motion. I know I should have told her first before I went and talked to the Residence Director but I didn't. So she said that we could switch but there is a room freeze right now because that is what they do every year at this time to make sure everyone has a room. So Monday is when we can do it and I just want to get it done. I am moving just next door and I am friends with the girls there and one of them is better friends with my roommate so it is going to be alright.
Other then that little bump I am doing alright. I miss my friends and my bed and my animals but I did see them last week and that was good. My friends seem to be falling apart without me which is a let down because things are going on and I am not there to help them sort them out. A good thing is that they will learn to cope and deal with the problems when I am not there.
My homework load is not as bad as I thought it would be *knocks on wood* I have learned how to use my time and I know when to get things done. I think I am doing alright.
I still have not been to church while I have been here. I went on Sunday back home but that is the first time I went in bout a month. I would like to go but I need a ride. My friend said that she would go to church with me in a few weeks and she has a car so that is good. But I don't want to wait two weeks. We will see what happens.
Other then that little bump I am doing alright. I miss my friends and my bed and my animals but I did see them last week and that was good. My friends seem to be falling apart without me which is a let down because things are going on and I am not there to help them sort them out. A good thing is that they will learn to cope and deal with the problems when I am not there.
My homework load is not as bad as I thought it would be *knocks on wood* I have learned how to use my time and I know when to get things done. I think I am doing alright.
I still have not been to church while I have been here. I went on Sunday back home but that is the first time I went in bout a month. I would like to go but I need a ride. My friend said that she would go to church with me in a few weeks and she has a car so that is good. But I don't want to wait two weeks. We will see what happens.
Friday, September 5, 2008
High Rise Life is HOT!
I have been here for 15 days. So in 15 days I have not seen my friends, parents, pets, my bed..and other things that have to do with Scotia. Somethings I have learned is that climbing 4 flight of stairs to get to the 3rd floor sucks! Climbing hills to get to every class means leaving my room about 20mins or earlier to get there on time. The food here is good. I enjoy eating salad as a part of my meal every single day. My classes are really not diffucult at all. I do some homework but I don't really have alot. I love my floor, the people on my floor are cool. My roomate and I are toatally diffrent but we have somethings in common.
I got a job in the our Hall being a Night Host. This means a few time a week I sit and watch the front desk from 11:45 pm-3 am. We keep the hall safe while you sleep. That means some money on my pocket. HE HE HE.
Oh yeah and my title means I live on the third floor of a concret building. No AC, it is hot..thats all I have to say.
I got a job in the our Hall being a Night Host. This means a few time a week I sit and watch the front desk from 11:45 pm-3 am. We keep the hall safe while you sleep. That means some money on my pocket. HE HE HE.
Oh yeah and my title means I live on the third floor of a concret building. No AC, it is hot..thats all I have to say.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
College..No Way!
I have been here for a week. I have had all my classes and they do not seem to be that hard to manage. My roomate and I had a little misunderstanding which made the last few days stressful but we worked it out the best that we can. She is totally oppiste to me in everyway. We have one or two things incommon but other then that we are opposites. I have made friends with some really awsome people. We have our own little gang, it is really cool.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I have met my roommate. She seems nice. I have so many emotions right now. I want to leave and get out there in the world but the other side of me want to stay close to what has been my life for the past 18 years. My room, my house, my friends everything that has been routine is now going to change in someway or another. I know my close friends are going to still be there for me and so will my family. I have to get use to change, it is a very hard thing for me to do. I know that I have so many things to accomplish in my life, I know that I can set my mind to do amazing things.
On another note, I had a little surprise graduation party for one of my friends. Her family did not have one for her. As here BFF I had to do something. We had pizza, cake, soda, and music. I invited a few friends over, It was a lot of fun. Well it was until one person decided to throw cake into Shelly face and then another person did so they all had cake all over them. Let me tell you blue food cake dye does not come off very easily. So I had to get the hose out and spray people down and got soaked with cold water. All in all it was fun!
On another note, I had a little surprise graduation party for one of my friends. Her family did not have one for her. As here BFF I had to do something. We had pizza, cake, soda, and music. I invited a few friends over, It was a lot of fun. Well it was until one person decided to throw cake into Shelly face and then another person did so they all had cake all over them. Let me tell you blue food cake dye does not come off very easily. So I had to get the hose out and spray people down and got soaked with cold water. All in all it was fun!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The end of my Trip

One of my favorite things out of my whole trip was seeing the Great Salt Lake. We got to walk on the bed of the lake because it was so dried out. It was so cool! This is the best summer I have had in my life. I got to do new things and did so many diffent things. I want to say that I have made memories that I will never forget. I am going to have to go back and vist. I miss everyone so much already. But now I have to concetrate on leaving for Cobleskill in 8 days. :)
Utah Part III

Saturday morning I went back to Chris and Lane's house(Erica's brother and sister in-law) All of the kids were happy that I was back. Now since I have been home for a week I am going to highlight what we did in the time I was there. I met so many family members while I was there, it was fun. I got to where Erica and Nates house was when they lived in Utah before. I met some of her friends. We went to temple square, I had tons of fun seeing the temple and diffrent exibits. Nate's family lives in Nevada so we packed up and left for 3 days to go and see Grandma and Grandpa. So a tip when traving with children, bring a DVD player! It works for awhile. Also getting the kids tired so they sleep is great too. We drove to Cedar which was alright. We spent a night there and then headed on to Overton. Kalli and Corban were so happy to see Grandma and Shayla went right to her and Elina did too. While in Overton the kids got to see and play were there cousins. We went to a splash pad on the last full day there. It was fun and very hot out. I think on that day it was 112 degrees out.
Utah Trip Part II

I went with the Field's on Friday. We went and saw BYU and walked around, It was really big and it was hot out. We spent about 2 hours walking in and out of buildings. I saw a lot of places. We decided not to go and see UVU because Bekah and I were tired from walking around. After we saw BYU we went and drove to this "Memorial Hill" which is a hill that you drive up and from the top you can see a great view. I had a lot of fun hanging out with them.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Utah Trip Part I
I should start off by saying that I had so much fun! I really did not want to come home. It was a little hot for me but it was somthing I could get use to. When I left on this trip I did not know what to expect. Was I going to have fun, what were we going to do?..all sorts of questions. Well Erica, Me and the children left New York on July 24th at 10am. I think that was the time. We went from Albany to Los Vegas and then on to Salt Lake City. When we got off the air plane we had to take a trip to the bathroom right away. So we took Kalli, Corban, Elina and Shayla into the bathroom. We got out and went to claim our bags which were stacked in a pile. Then we had a dilemma, how to get from baggage claim to the rental car. We were not going to rent one of those Handi Carts because they were $3.00 and you only got a quater back when you returned it. So this is what we did. There were 9 things to be carried, we took Elina out of the stroller and piled to bags into her seat, Corban carried his car seat, I rolled on bag which had another bag on top of it, Kalli did the same thing that I did. Erica carried 2 car seats and another bag and Elina carried a bag that had snacks in it. We managed to get to were the rental car was don't ask me how but we did. We got to the van and packed everyone in and headed to Erica's brothers house. It was about a 10 minute drive. We did have to turn around once but we made it there. Everyone was so hungry so we had dinner it was so goood. Now the house was very busy. Eight children under the age of 7 now occupied the house. I had to get some rest because I was leaving for 2 days and going to see the Field's. Read Below for more...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Plane Ride
So I went on my first plane ride on July 24th. It was very cool, I was with Erica and the children so it was not like i could get bored or anything. I liked taking off the best, it was cool to see the landscape get smaller and smaller as you got farther and farther away. We wore our seat belts for awhile and when we could finally take them off the light came back on to put them back on. If you ever travel with four kids i advise you not to do it on you own, it was a handful.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Graduation Party/FYI
So I had my graduation party. It was tons of fun. A lot of people showed up, We had so much food and the cake was grea. Even though it was hot, everyone was chillin out under the huge tent we had rented. All the children that were there had so much fun with the buckets of ice that we had the soda in. They were taking cups of ice and dumping it on to each other and themselves. My brother Josh and his friend decided it would be fun to take the 20 gallon bucket of ice and dump it all over me. I let them do it and it was so cold! My uncle has a video of it, I will have to get it. All in all it was fun, even though I only had three friends show up because one of my best friends had her party on the same date so she could not come.
In other news I am going to Utah for the first time. It will be my first time on a plane too. Erica has sold her house and is going to be staying with family and she asked me to come and help with the children on the plane. I hope to have so much fun. I will also be connecting with the Feild's, they are going to show me as many colleges that that can. I will be gone until August 4th. And then 2 weeks after that I pack again and head for Cobleskill.
In other news I am going to Utah for the first time. It will be my first time on a plane too. Erica has sold her house and is going to be staying with family and she asked me to come and help with the children on the plane. I hope to have so much fun. I will also be connecting with the Feild's, they are going to show me as many colleges that that can. I will be gone until August 4th. And then 2 weeks after that I pack again and head for Cobleskill.
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008
Something New..But Old
I have blogged before, however using this site is new to me. Seeing as I am going away to college in August I thought why not set up a new site now. I graduate on Saturday from high school. Yes, I am going away to college I am going to Suny Cobleskill and am pursing a degree in Early Childhood Education.
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