Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I dont know what to do

I am sitting here in my room. No one has bothered to knock on my door to ask me hey want to go to dinner or what are you up to? I don't think that I should have to out myself out there just to be shot down. I can't stand it! Today for the first time in awhile I actually ate lunch with another human bean. I could not remember for the life of me when I last did that. If I told you I have having an awsome time here at college I would have to say as of now no I am not having fun. I like my classes they are super fun but other then that I have nothing else to look forward to during the day I go to class, come back to my room and sit on the computer. I would love to go out and make friends but thats not who I am. I am shy and I don't want to be shot down when I put myslef out there. I am afraid of oh what if they don't like me? I really don't know what to do and I would love to go back home.


Shauna said...

Awww, you sound the same as I was in college. You better transfer to BYU where people keep knocking on your dorm door every night trying to drag you to random stuff, all the time, whether you wanna go or not. But in the meantime, I think you should just go to that ward, just to check it out and see who might be there... It's good you got to switch roommates and move next door tho, right? I hope that's working ok. Hopefully I'll talk to you soon! Ask Heavenly Father what the heck he wants u to do, k?!

Kathleen said...

It's been about a week since you wrote this post - have things improved for you any? I sure hope so! I agree with Shauna - call the bishop from the ward and tell him you need a ride to church. Then pray and ask Heavenly Father what else you can do to be happy. Remember, He knows you and what you are capable of, and he REALLY wants you to be happy! I love you!! Keep your chin up! (Oh, and don't forget to read your scriptures - that makes any day better!)

Rebekah said...

Aw, Rachael, I'm sorry you're not having fun. Don't worry about getting shut down because you are the sweetest, most sincere, selfless, loving person. I could write forever about how great your personality is!! You're an awesome girl so don't worry, people will love you.