Friday, September 5, 2008

High Rise Life is HOT!

I have been here for 15 days. So in 15 days I have not seen my friends, parents, pets, my bed..and other things that have to do with Scotia. Somethings I have learned is that climbing 4 flight of stairs to get to the 3rd floor sucks! Climbing hills to get to every class means leaving my room about 20mins or earlier to get there on time. The food here is good. I enjoy eating salad as a part of my meal every single day. My classes are really not diffucult at all. I do some homework but I don't really have alot. I love my floor, the people on my floor are cool. My roomate and I are toatally diffrent but we have somethings in common.

I got a job in the our Hall being a Night Host. This means a few time a week I sit and watch the front desk from 11:45 pm-3 am. We keep the hall safe while you sleep. That means some money on my pocket. HE HE HE.

Oh yeah and my title means I live on the third floor of a concret building. No AC, it is hot..thats all I have to say.


Shauna said...

Hey college girl! I sure miss ditching 2nd hour with you these days. Of course college is cinchy for u. Genius.

Kathleen said...

Hey Rachael! Glad college life is treating you well. How's the Scoharie Valley Ward?

The Andrew Family said...

Rachael! I'm so happy to have found you! I've been hunting for awhile but the address I had would not work. I found you on Shauna's blog.

Glad school is going well. Sorry about the hot cement building, that stinks. But it's only temporary! Winter will be toasty and the first floor girls will be wishing they lived up with you!