Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekends can be so exciting

Things are finally looking up. I went to the doctors on Friday because I was in a lot of pain and could not breathe. They told me that the muscles between my ribs are inflamed. I was put on an anti-inflammatory so I'm not in that much pain anymore. Last Tuesday I was surprised when one of my close friends set me up with one of her friends. He took me on a date last night to the 99 in Rotterdam Square Mall. I had a lot of fun, We had dinner and walked around. My friends kind of followed me to the mall which I did not like. Oh and if you have not guessed I am/was home for the weekend. This has been one of the best weekends since I went off to college.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Yay, that's awesome. I'm glad! Have u been to that ward yet?